It was our pleasure to play for Ben and Anna's wedding in June this year! They had excellent taste in everything and the wedding was well organized!
Sam still trying his hand at photography... he is comissioned per postable print. :o) But truly we just love having him with us for his laughter and light-hearted spirit!
Ben and Anna requested we play Wedding March by Mendelssohn for their recessional. This piece requires four parts and thankfully our brother Ben agreed to play the viola part. You may be wondering why Ben doesn't play with us more often? Well, you see, poor Ben is not fond of violas or viola parts and is very definite in his preference for the violin. As you can see, we arrived at a compromise. So it is with great pleasure and relief that we announce to you Ben has officially joined our group playing viola parts on his violin. Yaaaayyy! :o) He plays beautifully with sensitivity and precision!
Sam couldn't resist a picture of Garrison's bow in motion...